
Showing posts from May, 2019

10 Best Assignments

  10 Best Assignments

Macro Photoshoot


Cartoon Character

This is Fred, he didn't murder anyone, just in the wrong place and the wrong time, he is a sweet innocent little Tree Hellhound. He was born in Hell and immigrated to a random forest in the USA. He hates death and is a vegan. He protects the forest and is an unofficial member of the National Park Society. His favorite thing to do is to fly around and observe the forest at night.

Stranger Photos

This was kind of weird. It was awkward asking people if I could take their photo. I ended up asking a group of theater kids. I think the actual photos were nice.

Light Painting

This assignment was fun, It was like the one on the first 30-day photo challenge. I included the first photo just because it looks cool. Simone moved the phone flashlight to create the word "Lol" My shutter speed was 4 seconds and my aperture 22.

Shadow Study

This assignment was fun. My trusty model Simone made some shadows. We spelt out happy!

Photo Walk

Photo Walk

Puzzle Face

This creeps me out, I like it though. I took another image and took my eye and plopped it on my other face and it looks really creepy.

Emotion Portraits

For this assignment, Simone was my trusty model. I took the photos of her making different faces (it was hard to keep a straight face) make a new background for it, then put it together in photoshop. I made Simone with the lights in the green room.

Color Focus

For this assignment I just opened the original color image, converted the file to black and white, converted it back to RGB, and then put the original image in the file. I erased the parts I wanted to be color on the greyscale image, and merged the layers together.

You With Former Self

The original photo was taken during the January of 2008 when I was 3 years old. A little over 10 years later, my mom took a photo of me on Comet, and I cropped myself onto Sheyna, the mare I rode when I was 3. I think this is cool because it shows so much change in 10 years.

Repetition Portrait

For this assignment I used two photos. One of my eye, and the one of me holding out my hand. I cut out my eye, and repeated it into the eye hole. I also cut out my hand, and repeated it on my fingers.

Zombify Yourself

For this assignment I followed cracked my skin my finding cracked dirt and putting it on my face. I found fake wounds and put them on me. The hardest part was trying to make it look natural.